Descaling appliances

Descaling your Appliances

Descaling appliances - how to remove and prevent limescale

Kitchen appliances can quickly develop limescale build-up, which can be unsightly and even damage the device itself. Cleaning and removing limescale is also called descaling, and it’s easier than you might think.

You can also take steps to prevent limescale from forming in your appliances in the first place. All you need is a BRITA filter.


How to descale appliances

One of the easiest ways to descale your appliances is by using a proper descaling cleaner or limescale remover. You can also try to use a natural acid, such as lemon juice, as a descaler. 

Follow the instructions from the manufacturer of your appliance when it comes to how much descaling liquid to use and what specific steps to follow. For devices like kettles, most recommendations include letting the solution sit in the bowl of the kettle before filling the rest of the way with water and setting the kettle to boil. More complex appliances like coffee machines may have different instructions on properly using a descaler or descaling solution. In any case, always rinse the area thoroughly after descaling. You need to rinse after using a descaling solution to ensure that you have washed off all the solution (and the dissolved limescale). That way, you can ensure that the water that comes out tastes just as delicious as it does going in.

When it comes to natural solutions, you can use natural acids like vinegar (most commonly white vinegar) to descale kettles and coffee machines. Martha Stewart has talked about using vinegar to descale a coffee machine, but you can also try citric acid in the form of lemon juice. Like with limescale remover solutions, you'll want to let the vinegar or citric acid sit in the kettle or coffee machine's water bowl for about an hour before rinsing completely. Make sure you run the machine a few times with water to remove the smell and taste of vinegar or lemon juice. And remember that natural methods may not be as efficient as a proper descaling liquid.

You may need to wipe clean the area after you descale and rinse, but you shouldn't need to scrub at any build-up or stain. If there is still build-up, you may need to repeat the descaling steps to achieve a cleaner finish.

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Descaling taps and faucets

Unlike coffee machines and kettles, to descale taps, you will have to apply the descaling solution directly onto the affected area. If you have manufacturer instructions on hand, always follow them. However, it isn’t too hard to descale taps and faucets if you don't.

First, you can try directly applying the mixture to the tap using a spray bottle. Spray the relevant area, and leave it for at least an hour before thoroughly rinsing off with clean water.

Another option is to use a wet cloth. Soak a cloth in a diluted descaling solution, and wrap the cloth around the tap or faucet. Let it sit for an hour before removing the cloth and rinsing the area with clean water. 

What is limescale?

Limescale is a chalky deposit that occurs on and in hot water machines. The deposit is mostly made of calcium carbonate, and it can quickly build up deposits wherever you use hot water. A build-up of limescale is more common if areas where the water supply contains hard water (a high mineral content). Read more in our article all about limescale.

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How to prevent limescale?

While descaling can be easy, it’s easier still to prevent limescale in the first place with clever water filtration.

As limescale is commonly made of calcium carbonate, you can prevent limescale build-up from developing in your appliances by using a water filter. BRITA water filters help reduce the possibility of limescale without removing important minerals like calcium that help your body stay healthy and strong. 

The  BRITA MAXTRA+ Limescale Expert filter cartridge reduces chlorine, limescale, lead, and copper in your drinking water. Like all MAXTRA+ filter cartridges, the Limescale Expert cartridge fits into any MAXTRA+ system, including water filter jugs and casks.

Or you might want to filter your coffee machine directly without the use of a water filter jug. In that case, you’ll want to take a look at the  AquaGusto 100 filter. This handy little filter sits in your home coffee machine’s water tank to reduce limescale deposits and protect the machine. Like all BRITA filters, it can also help to enhance the flavour, aroma, and appearance of your water and thus any coffee you make with your filtered water.